“The World According to The Joker”– A Twisted Look Inside the Classic Villain’s Mind!

IMG_9333Ever wondered what’s going on in the head of Batman’s most famous and twisted foe, the Joker? Well The World According to The Joker, published by Insight Editions, certainly can help! Written by comic book author Matthew K. Manning (Beware the Batman, Batman, The Batman Strikes!, Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century, Spider-Man Unlimited, Marvel Romance Redux) under the guise of the Clown Prince of Crime himself and illustrated by Joel Gomez (Flashpoint: Reverse Flash, Gears of War) and Beth Sotelo (Brightest Day, Supergirl), this “psychotic expose” gives readers access to the thoughts, schemes, and ramblings of the Joker in a way no other text can!

This text, part of the Insight Legends Series, makes expert use of the series’ hallmark immersion. The World According to The Joker is filled with all kinds of interactive goodies, from a flyer for the Joker’s first stand-up gig, a recipe for the infamous Joker gas, the “Wheel of Dead Robins” (which is exactly as ridiculous and darkly comedic as it sounds), a collectible 11″ by 11″ poster, and more!


The World According to Joker is a hilarious romp through the demented worldview of one of Batman’s (and comic books overall’s) greatest villains, and takes readers on an unparalleled and distorted trip through the character’s nearly 75-year long history. It’s a must-have for Batman fans, comic book lovers, and collectors alike! The book is available now for $24.95, and will be followed later this month by The World According to Batman.

As always, get your news and reviews about all kinds of Bat-media right here From the Batcave and be sure to like From the Batcave on Facebook and follow us on TwitterTumblr, and YouTube to get the scoop first!

2 thoughts on ““The World According to The Joker”– A Twisted Look Inside the Classic Villain’s Mind!

  1. Pingback: Get Inside the Caped Crusader’s Head With “The World According to Batman”! | From the Batcave

  2. Pingback: Batman: A Visual History– A Detailed and Stunning Look into the Chronology of the Caped Crusader | From the Batcave

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